Diabetes vs Health and Fitness
Rob & I were asked to speak on the Curtis Harwell Show on Diabetes vs Health and Fitness in August, 2014. We were delighted. We’d never done a “real” radio show before so it…
A T1D Christmas Memory
I used to get so excited about Christmas I'd make myself sick. Really. Here's one memory I'll never forget.
10 Tips to Be Festive (& Fit)
'Tis the season to be merry! Festive gatherings, family, friends and memory-making is all around us, but 'tis also the season for EXCUSES. Yes, I said it, the "E" word. These are my…
Once a Month Cooking – Awesome or Not?
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the average American female spends almost 1 day per month (23.4 hours) just shopping for food PLUS an additional 35.2 hours per month preparing that food! We spend a lot…
Top 10 Things Endorphin Junkie’s Understand
Here are a few things that you'll only understand if you're an endorphin junkie.
PiYo Review
PiYo is currently one of the most popular at-home fitness programs. Here's what I experienced and a few tips to help you decide if PiYo is right for you.
How to Cook Once a Month
It's nearly impossible to wake up and decide to cook an entire month's worth of meals in one day. You're going to want to get yourself, your supplies, your family and your kitchen…
How to fit “GETTING FIT” on your Calendar
Does the statement, “I don’t have time” sound familiar? Have you ever felt overwhelmed with life, sort of depressed that you haven’t worked out in months and not sure when you can fit…