
Top 10 Things Endorphin Junkie’s Understand

I like to say I’m simply enthusiastic about living… but in fact, I’m addicted to it.  I love the morning, the smell of freshly brewed coffee, good hair days… wait. Rewind. I zoomed right past one of my most sacred moments of the whole day; my morning workout.

Top 10 Things Endorphin Junkie’s Understand

Here are a few things that you’ll only understand if you’re an endorphin junkie (like me).

  1. You’ve seriously considered working out naked. Workout clothes have such a short lifespan before they end up back in the laundry basket.  Why bother?
  2. You sleep in your workout clothes so you’re ready to go for your AM workout; no excuses!
  3. Sleeping in on a weekend? You mean setting your alarm clock a little later (maybe) so you don’t miss your morning workout
  4. “Rest day” Hater  Rest day… ah, but working out is so therapeutic.
  5. Yoga pants are in your closet – for EVERY occasion. Nuff said.
  6. No time for a Boyfriend; they interfere with workout time.
  7. You’re already lusting about tomorrow’s workout
  8. Shopping ROCKS! (for new workout clothes)
  9. You’re ok waking up with a sore butt
  10. You hear a song and think “that would be a great workout song!”

Though kinda comical, it’s important to remember to love yourself, enjoy the journey, be the best version of yourself, listen to your body… and don’t overtrain. The body needs rest & endorphin junkies need to learn to relax so the body can heal and come back stronger… and rock that next workout, of course!

rest day

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