
  • Blog

    Adventures in Gardening!

    It’s the end of June and my summertime dreams are staring back at me, as I work fervently each day from the comfort of my computer desk: blue skies, the warm harbor breeze,…

  • Blog

    That Old Tree

    It’s suddenly September and hints of autumn are in the air: the tree outside my window is reminding me of this daily! Rob returned from work travels late yesterday. While organizing one of…

  • Blog,  T1D

    Type 1 Diabetes and Adolescence

    My 30 Years of Diabetes – Part 3: Throughout my adolescence, diabetes and I had a love-hate relationship. There were times when everything went well and my blood sugars were perfect and predictable and then there were the rough…

  • Blog,  T1D

    Low Blood Sugar Memories

    My 30 Years of Diabetes – Part 2: I’ve seen so many advances in the last 30 years of diabetes. We’ve come so far in such a short while. I mean, It’s been less…

  • Blog,  Learn

    How I Became an Organized Blogger

    I always thought I was organized, until I started blogging. Over the last 18 months, my online presence started to suffer. After a good friend recommended the CoSchedule app to help me get…