Food,  Media

HelloFresh Review

Recently, I’ve been hearing about services like Blue Apron and HelloFresh a lot. Basically, the ingredients to craft specified meals are delivered to your door each week. Yeah! No planning, no grocery shopping… meals just happen.

I love to cook but sometimes, I just need a break. Yes, of course Rob and I could go OUT to eat, but we generally reserve “eating out” for special occasions. We aren’t rich and whenever we go out we feel a sense of guilt knowing that we could have made the same thing at home for a few bucks. Dining out puts a price tag on the experience not to mention a meal that can be difficult to estimate the nutrition information. Being type 1 diabetics, Rob and I need to correctly estimate the carbohydrates in our food in order to maintain normal blood sugars. I love to dine out BUT, eating at home is so much easier on our wallet, our blood sugars AND our waistlines too.

We decided to give HelloFresh a try. AND I saved $40 off my first order so it was like getting free food. Why not eh?

The nutrition information was readily available and easy step-by-step instructions were included for quick preparation. Also, you aren’t required to receive future orders, you can pause or cancel your HelloFresh delivery at anytime. Yeah.

Check out my video below to see what our meals were like and what we thought of the HelloFresh meal delivery service.

Yes or No?

Since this video was filmed, I have continued to utilize the HelloFresh services. On weeks where I’m traveling OR I want to cook my own tried & true recipes, I simply pause deliveries. It’s a great way to get a bunch of balanced and health-minded meals without spending any time worrying about grocery shopping or the added expense of dining out PLUS I know exactly what’s on my plate. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Free HelloFresh food?

If you’d like to give HelloFresh a try, here’s a link to help you save $40 off your first order too! CLICK HERE

Happy Cooking!


DISCLAIMER: I did not receive compensation for this review of HelloFresh. This review is 100% my own personal opinion. However, this post contains a link that may allow me to receive a discount on future HelloFresh orders.