007 Back to School with T1D
It’s suddenly back-to-school season for many Americans right now. Moms and Dads are busy getting their kids ready to return, College Freshmen are leaving home for the first time and working adults are…
006 Walking vs. Running
Have you noticed your blood sugars behave differently when you compare walking vs. running? I do. What’s happening and why does my blood sugar drop more with walking? This week I’m chatting about…
005 Diabetic Appointment Anxiety
Have you ever experienced diabetic appointment anxiety? Every 6 months, Rob and I visit our endocrinologist and I always feel a little self-induced anxiety over the whole appointment. Thankfully, as I grow older, I’m learning…
004 A Walk on the Low Side
What does it feel like to have a low blood sugar? In this Episode, I’m sharing a story of a low blood sugar reaction I had when I first started dating Rob, his…
003 Independence Day with T1D
How was your Independence Day? Rob and I had a great time with friends. We went to a barbecue and enjoyed so much good food. I’m sharing 3 things I did to help…
002 Running with T1D
This week I have a deliciously diabetic Breakfast Sandwich recipe for you and some diabetiquette (Diabetic Etiquette). I also share how my blood sugars are reacting to running. I’m just getting back on…
001 FitT1Dfoodie Introduction
Since this is my VERY first episode I thought I’d provide a brief introduction and share a little about what to expect from me each week. I assume you’re tuning in because you…
How to balance fitness & diabetes
Being fit isn't easy. Living with diabetes isn't easy. Being fit and diabetic REALLY isn't easy but... it's possible. These are 5 Tips my husband and I shared in a webinar to help…