
21 Day Fix Extreme: Week 1 of 3

I can’t believe Rob and I are already a third of the way through the 21 Day Fix Extreme. We’ve developed quite a following along our journey this week so thought we’d tell all; what were eating, what we’re doing, how we feel and what it was like to complete the first week doing this as diabetics PLUS our results so far! This is Part 1 of our 3 part glimpse.

Before I tell all, I should explain that the Extreme is a follow-up to the 21 Day Fix that debuted in 2014. Click the image to the right to view the major differences between these two programs.

In the last 7 days, we haven’t missed a workout, we haven’t cheated, we’ve followed the program precisely. So here’s what’s happening:

Our Workouts:

Compared with the 21 Day Fix, the workouts in the 21 Day Fix Extreme program are definitely extreme and very focused on developing tight toned muscles. There are seven 30-minute workouts; one for each day of the week featuring a unique blend of steady-state aerobics, resistance training, and explosive power moves. We felt it! These workouts targeted every muscle in our bodies this last week.


There are a couple different ways you can organize the 21 Day Fix Extreme nutrition plan. You may opt to do the “extreme plan”, the “countdown to competition plan” or a combination. Both plans offer portion control and focused nutrition for their duration for serious results.

Rob and I decided to follow the countdown to competition plan, which means alternating 2 days of the countdown to competition plan (somewhat lower calorie) followed by one day of the regular extreme plan day throughout the duration of the program. Our meals are spaced approximately 2 hours apart, however I’ll admit… it’s a little tough sometimes. There are days when we aren’t able to eat every 2 hours but we try our best.

The one piece of the nutrition schedule that has really helped us is Shakeology.  I enjoy it after our morning workouts to help replenish my nutrition and satisfy me completely. It’s such a treat to know I’m eating healthy yet it FEELS like I’m devouring a chocolate Sundae. It’s awesome!  The 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme Challenge Packs both come with Shakeology.  Good nutrition is the key so this helps keep it simple.

Stay tuned!

Part of this website will soon share some of the awesome recipes I’m coming up with during our journey. See the menu area at the top of this page? There will be a section to help you succeed deliciously with the 21 Day Fix and 21 Day Fix Extreme!

Our Results:

Rob and I rose bright and early this morning to take our measurements.  We both took our body weight and I measured the circumference of my chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms. Rob had to be into the office for a 9am meeting so we skimped on his measurements*. Nonetheless, I think you’ll find our results impressive BUT you’ll have to wait to see our before/after photos once we get to Day 21. Here are our results after 1 week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  I can’t believe we’ve each lost roughly 5lbs… our love handles are shrinking and we’re having fun getting shredded.

 Laura  Rob
 Body Weight (lbs)  – 4.8  – 5.2
 Inches  – 2.5  *

Our Extreme State of Mind:

I’m not going to lie to you. One thing about me is that I don’t beat around the bush – I tell it like it is. If I love something, you know. If I hate something, look out.

The first two days of the 21 Day Fix Extreme were HORRIBLE for our marriage. I sincerely thought Rob and I might kill each other (or EAT each other).  You see, Rob and I LOVE to eat. Eating is a simple luxury for us. Our long hard work days are often made up for with gorgeous indulgence; like a nice glass of red wine, our “super food” (aka Shakeology) chocolate dipped strawberries… oh yes, and my delicious wholesome cooking. This girl likes to eat.

I knew we were starting to get into trouble though. Even though our blood sugars were awesome, our portion sizes were getting out of hand. The two of us were getting into the habit of eating a dinner that could have fed 4-6 regular people. Thankfully, because we eat clean wholesome nutrition 90% of the time, we don’t weigh 400lbs (but who needs to eat so much?). When we committed to do the 21 Day Fix Extreme, we committed to getting our portion size back on track.


Thus, the first couple days of this extreme fitness and nutrition program rammed us right into a brick wall. The containers are portion fixed to help us measure the appropriate servings for our specific nutrition needs (which depends on our weight and lifestyle).

The success with this program (and any fitness program) comes from balanced nutrition in proper portion. This week, our bodies had to re-learn what normal portions were. That was tough. I remember lying in bed on the first night, my stomach growling, and having to get up to get water just so it would stop. I have been drinking a LOT of water this week, and it really does help. Water is such an important part of our health and sadly, it often gets neglected (or forgotten).

Grumpy Grump Grump

HOWEVER, we were so grumpy on Day 1 and 2 that I seriously wondered if we’d make it 21 Days… Thankfully, that was only Day 1 & 2. We didn’t give up on ourselves and we stuck with it. Rob and I remembered WHY we started. We’re actually feeling really proud (& amazing).

This week, we’ve re-learned how to tell the difference between emotional eating, habitual eating and physical hunger. There is a difference!

AND, after seven days I know I can do this. Rob and I are not starving, we’re actually very satisfied. I am so satisfied that my body is adapting so well that I almost forgot to eat my scheduled snack this afternoon. For me, that’s unheard of. Happy! BUT, yes… it’s a rainy Friday night a great big ole mounded plate of hearty casserole and a glass of red sounds like the comfort we think we “need” but no, not now. Food does not control us. We will not let it control us.  WE control what we put in our mouths and in the process we’ve had kick a$$ blood sugars this week too. We’re only 1 week in and good habits are forming.

Week 2…

So, next week I’ll update you on the 21 Day Fix Extreme is working for Rob and I as Type 1 DIABETICS. We’ve tracked every blood sugar, every insulin bolus and the effect from every workout. I think you’ll enjoy seeing what we’re observing with the 21 Day Fix Extreme.  We’re already excited to share.

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