Pork Tenderloin with Parmesan Pesto Sauce
I’ve been feeling a little food bored lately. I get a lot of my cooking inspiration when Rob and I go out for dinner. It’s fun to experience food — there is something special about the entire atmosphere of having a dinner out! However, 2020 hasn’t been the year for that… Thankfully, Uber Eats has come in handy a couple of times when we felt like a little something special!
I’ve been reading “Science and Cooking: Physics Meets Food, From Homemade to Haute Cuisine” by Michael Brenner, Pia Sörensen, and David Weitz. This book made me think a little more about every thing from flavor to heat. It’s a brilliant book and I highly recommend it! With some of what I’ve been learning I started to think a little more about food… in a science sort of way. I thought about things like cooking time and flavors more than I ever had before. I’ve always known that cooking is science, but the book really brought out the entire thought process of a meal and caused me to start thinking more about the details… versus just praying things turn out. Like an experiment in the lab, previous research (aka. a recipe) matter! That’s how this dish came to be. It is based on the Pesto Sauce Pork Tenderloin recipe by eMeals and inspiration from Science and Cooking.
I hope you enjoy this recipe. The pork was beautifully tender and the sauce was a rich compliment. Rob and I agree that it made the perfect Sunday night dinner. It also wasn’t difficult to prepare!
Pork Tenderloin with Parmesan Pesto Sauce

Easy to prepare and fit for a special occasion!
- 1 pork tenderloin
- salt and pepper, as desired
- 1 Tbsp olive oil
- 1 cup almond milk
- 3/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
- 1/4 cup pesto
- Preheat oven to 425°F.
- Sprinkle pork with salt and pepper, if desired.
- Brown pork on all sides in olive oil over medium-high heat.
- When all sides are browned, transfer tenderloin to baking dish.
- Bake 20-30 minutes or until a meat thermometer inserted reads 145°F. Turn off oven and let rest, in oven, for 10 minutes.
- For sauce: Bring almond milk to a rolling boil in pan used to brown the pork, over medium heat. Reduce heat and stir in Parmesan and pesto. Serve sauce over pork.
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Joan Gee
Looks awesome
Laura Gee
Thanks!! It’s so good. We had leftovers – I plan to use them up tomorrow night over a nice salad.