New Beginnings in Our Changing Times
The Times They are a Changin’
2016 is a year of change and new beginnings. Wait – change? No one likes change. Well – sometimes change is inevitable. Nothing stays the same forever.
Eight years ago, Rob and I were two young, fresh, optimistic and driven individuals. Rob had just received his PhD and I had landed the career of my dreams. Along the way, dreams can become nightmares when you’re not looking AND we all know “Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.”
“Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.” ~John Lennon
Our 8 years in Nashville
We relocated to Nashville, got married, bought our first home, stressed about our families from afar – my mom and sister were diagnosed with cancer, while learning I had the same genetic mutation known to put me at an incredible lifetime risk of developing cancer too.
Looking back, I know I was loved. It’s a great feeling to be loved.
My husband supported me. My parents guided me – never judging. As a newlywed – fighting for a good life where I could grow old and grow up alongside Rob – I underwent a bilateral prophylactic mastectomy to help reduce my chances of developing cancer. I began to realize the importance of support. My goal, in 2012 was to do a single push-up. My upper body had become weak from my surgeries and it was time to face my demons. Let me tell you, after a mastectomy a push-up is a big deal! Well, I did my push-up. Actually, I have now done many push-ups. They still aren’t easy, but I can do them.
Rob and I found our love of running. Many Sunday afternoons you could find us trail running at Percy and Edwin Warner Parks. For a time, we spent nearly every Saturday morning in some race – 5K, 10K, Half-Marathon, Marathon… and even an Ultra-Marathon. We became two athletes. Who would have thought?
At the same time, I began to inspire others… invited to speak at various events regarding about my life with diabetes and a known genetic mutation. I shared about my life with osteoporosis (yes, that diagnosis took me by surprise) and I became a motivator. Overtime, I realized I could pay my hardships forward by giving something back to the world: inspiration.
At the same time, I began to inspire others… invited to speak at various events regarding about my life with diabetes and a known genetic mutation. I shared about my life with osteoporosis (yes, that diagnosis took me by surprise) and I became a motivator. Overtime, I realized I could pay my hardships forward by giving something back to the world: inspiration.
Would you have ever thought… ?
This morning, I walked beside my husband Rob for a few minutes after our dentist appointment. We reminisced about the special day we had 4 years ago when we both decided to take February 29th (leap year) off work and explore Nashville, like two tourists would. After all – February 29th only happens every 4 years! That was the best day. We went to Belle Meade Plantation and immersed ourselves in southern history and culture.
Rob said, “Would you have ever thought that 4 after that leap day, we’d be selling our home, moving to Boston, you’d have quit your dream job…” It’s hard to wrap our minds around how we have not been able to predict the most striking moments our our lives. Rob joked and said, “Anyone who thinks they have it all planned out is in for a surprise.”
“Anyone who thinks they have it all planned out is in for a surprise.” ~Rob
Without going into detail about the drama of life, this post symbolizes a new and fresh start. In a couple months we be Boston bound, giving fond farewells to our Nashville life while welcoming our new beginnings. We have so many beautiful memories in these southern hills!
New Haircut, New Beginnings
As silly as it sounds, I got my haircut today and felt as though a weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Technically, yes. What I mean is, I realized that choice is a gift. I chose to cut my hair. I could not predict what it would look like… maybe I had an idea, but many factors influence how a haircut turns out right? My new haircut symbolizes our future in Boston. It’s going to be happen but how it happens, is ours for the making.
Today, Rob and I signed the disclosure for our Nashville property… it will soon be listed for sale. Later this afternoon, Rob will submit a grant for him to continue his research in Boston. AND, I got my hair cut.
It’s a good day. Cheers to new beginnings!

Beautifully writtenand emotionally read!!! New beginings….. New plans…. New Job. All fine and good but the person beside each of you is your glue and the two of you , if you go this journey together will succeed. Good luck and God’s blessings.
Thank you so much. That means a lot.