How to Connect with other Type 1 Diabetics on Social Media
Some people have a natural ability to make friends with anyone at anytime. However, most people have a hard time connecting with others and find themselves well-liked but alone. If we don’t know what…
My Decision for Insulin Pump Therapy
30 Years of Diabetes – Part 4: I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 7 so daily insulin injections and nutritional management were my therapy. The years went by and my…
Type 1 Diabetes and Adolescence
My 30 Years of Diabetes – Part 3: Throughout my adolescence, diabetes and I had a love-hate relationship. There were times when everything went well and my blood sugars were perfect and predictable and then there were the rough…
Low Blood Sugar Memories
My 30 Years of Diabetes – Part 2: I’ve seen so many advances in the last 30 years of diabetes. We’ve come so far in such a short while. I mean, It’s been less…
Looking Back – 30 Years of T1 Diabetes
My 30 Years of Diabetes – Part 1: I sit here at my kitchen table, reflecting on my last 30 years of life with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). Thirty years ago today, I received my…
My version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
I shared my version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas with my subscribers earlier today and thought it’s a definite blog post! Oh the joys of the holiday season – too much sugar, not…
Becoming a 2015 Medtronic Global Hero
I begin this post sitting at my kitchen table, my heart full of memories and gratitude, looking at our world with new eyes. I was selected to be one of 25 long distance…
I’m a 2015 Medtronic Global Hero!
My diagnosis didn’t end my run! Today, it was publicly announced that I am a 2015 Medtronic Global Hero (see Press Release). I’ll be one of twenty-five long-distance runners who benefit from medical…